Smoked Porchetta Sandwiches

The annual family camping trip is always a highlight of the summer. We missed it a couple of times over the past few years when we lived in AZ so it was great to be back in CA and able to drive up for it this year. Each household will take a turn cooking everyone else a delicious meal, and there are enough of us that everyone only has to cook once during the trip. It works out really well because the quality of the meals end up being much higher than if each family were to cook their own meals for the entire trip. This was our debut camping trip as an official family (pups included) and it was important to prove ourselves with a killer meal. Allan decided we should try our hand at smoking a porchetta roast and making Roli Roti-style sandwiches. If you ever find yourself in San Francisco on a Thursday or Saturday, do yourself a favor and grab lunch at the farmerโ€™s market at the Ferry Building for a porchetta sandwich. These sandwiches feature slow roasted pork with succulent crispy skin, caramelized onions, and arugula on a fresh bun. 

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